Using innovative methods, we support the development of
complex products in order to improve processes and ensure
a lower environmental footprint. The projects we finance are
aimed at achieving environmental sustainability thanks to a
reduced generation of waste and pollutants, a lower
consumption of materials and the sustainable use of energy.
We support projects to develop new materials with
innovative or improved properties, thanks to
nanotechnologies and chemical research. Our expertise is
proven by the registration of various international patents.
We support ideas and projects that exploit AI: this is a set of
different technologies which interact so that machines can
perceive, understand, act and learn, with levels of
intelligence similar to the human brain. This helps people to
make better decisions with a positive impact for the
environment and society.
Through Quantum Italia we aim at supporting quantum
technologies initiatives starting with the development of use
cases implemented on a small scale, up to projects with
higher TRL ready to be tested by the market.