Quantum Italia


Developing and investing in the growing quantum technologies

Scientifica Venture Capital enters quantum technologies by launching Quantum Italia and announcing a partnership with Unitary Fund

Quantum Italia is the first Italian investment vehicle completely dedicated to Quantum Technologies


  • superposition , in which the physical properties of a quantum entity remain undefined until measured, creating an entirely new mechanism for encoding information
  • l’entanglement, in which quantum entities, once measured, manifest correlations. Action on one entity instantaneously affects the outcome of future actions on its entangled twin, even when these are physically separated

The study of these phenomena opens up great challenges in various application fields: quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum imaging, quantum sensors and metrology, quantum simulators.


In 2021overall investment in the field of quantum computing alone amounted to 2.5 billion dollars, more than the total invested in the entire previous decade. To date, Europe has allocated over 7 billion euros for the development of the technology.

In Italy in 2022 the National Centre for High-Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing was founded, but the resources allocated – 320 million euros in 3 years – are less compared to other European countries such as Germany, which has allocated 2.65 billion euros between 2018 and 2028 or France, with its 1.8 billion euros for the period 2020-2026.
This demonstrates the importance of the initiative of private players towards the development of a strategically critical technology for the economic competitiveness of our country.


The aim of Quantum Italia is to invest in the emerging quantum technologies sector in Italy and abroad as well.

The partnership between Scientifica Venture Capital and the non-profit Unitary Fund aims at supporting the open Quantum ecosystem in Italy, involving national and international communities in order to bring out, fund and support quantum technologies initiatives.

Thanks to this partnership, Quantum Italia will be able to rely on an international Scientific Advisory Board with in-depth expertise in the field of Quantum.

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