Super Sapiens Day Scientifica

Press Releases

The Super Sapiens Day Factory – the new Call4Ideas from Scientifica Venture Capital

12 April 2023

Ideas. Laboratories. Capital and Industries.

The Super Sapiens Day Factory – the new Call4Ideas from Scientifica Venture Capital –  brings together the entire “innovation chain” to support tech transfer.

On 12 April, Scientifica Venture Capital launched the Super Sapiens Day Factory Call4Ideas, which aims to select ideas and projects with high technological intensity.

The primary purpose is to identify and finance projects that are innovative, with a strong  scientific component, and support them in a path of growth and market positioning that  determines their transformation into successful companies.

The uniqueness of the Call is in the active involvement of a prestigious network made up  of 50 partners, including Universities, Laboratories, Research Centres, Venture Capital  and Corporate entities strongly oriented towards innovation, such as Recordati, Enel,  Leonardo and Amazon Web Services.

Also of note is the participation of Invitalia, which, as a national development agency,  recognises Super Sapiens Day Factory as an important opportunity to encourage the  creation of new companies and innovative start-ups.

So where did the idea for the Super Sapiens Day Factory come from?

The idea was born from the belief that to fuel the innovation process, in addition to  transversal skills, working groups and knowledge sharing are needed. It stems from  the belief that, in addition to coordination skills, it is necessary to have a clear  understanding of the overall picture, an essential condition for establishing a common  research and development path.

For this reason, Scientifica Venture Capital has scrupulously built a “supply chain of  innovators” that connects several players with the aim of creating an ecosystem with the ability to support tech transfer.

The fine-tuning of all of the actors involved has created the conditions for the launch of a  Call with a totally new footprint that represents an unmissable opportunity for the project  applicants and the teams of proposers.

How is the Super Sapiens Day Factory Call structured?

The launch of the Call will take place in digital format through a dedicated landing page on the Scientifica Venture Capital website.

The Super Sapiens Day Factory has been divided into 6 batches: each batch is  characterised by specific experts and by the presence of partners with extensive  experience in the field. The verticals of the 6 batches are:

– Artificial Intelligence/Cyber Security
– Aerospace – Climate tech
– Advanced Manufacturing
– Medtech/Life Science
– Quantum Technologies

Participating in the Super Sapiens Day Factory Call, for researchers or founders of start-ups, means submitting their idea to the attention of a large panel of potential  investors, and having the opportunity to develop it in laboratories of excellence as well as  obtaining a first technological validation by the corporate entities involved.

The projects received will be reviewed by an Advisory Board made up of venture capital  and innovation experts. Subsequently, the Scientifica Venture Capital team will announce  the 20 finalist projects that, following a due diligence process, will be able to access an  investment in equity and/or semi-equity.

To enhance the deal flow generated by the initiative, Scientifica Venture Capital also  focuses on university students who are passionate about innovation, in fact – through the AdVenture Program – it has trained 65 of them and has “unleashed” them in  universities throughout Italy to identify research projects or innovative ideas to be  submitted to the Advisory Board of the Call for possible funding.

Through the Super Sapiens Day Factory Call4Ideas, Scientifica Venture Capital affirms,  once again, the importance of capitalising on science skills and the ability of science to  trigger the birth of companies with high potential for profitability.


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