Press Releases

QuantaBrain, the start-up specializing in autism spectrum disorder diagnosis using its algorithm, successfully concludesits first funding round with Scientifica Venture Capital

4 September 2023

Scientifica Venture Capital has announced its eighth investment, aimed at fueling the growth of QuantaBrain, promettente start-up fondata a gennaio del 2023.

The objective of QuantaBrain (Quantitative Analysis of Brain) is to enhance the diagnosis process for psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders using quantitative criteria, by applying artificial intelligence algorithms to brain imaging data.

The initial application area that the start-up has focused on is autism spectrum disorder (ASD), an extremely heterogeneous and challenging-to-identify condition for which early diagnosis is crucial.

In Italy, it is estimated that 1 in 77 children exhibits the autism spectrum disorder, totaling around 760,000 individuals, while in the United States the incidence appears to be higher, with approximately 9.2 million people with ASD.

Through a functional magnetic resonance images processing method, QuantaBrain’s proprietary algorithm can identify complex biomarkers – biological indicators linked to specific diseases – in brain regions with atypical functioning. The most groundbreaking aspect of this diagnostic approach lies in its ability to detect anomalies in brain function in preverbal children. This opens up the possibility of intervening earlier in the disorder, making the diagnostic process more effective, rapid, and objective.

QuantaBrain’s Deep Learning algorithm, tested on the largest existing international autism dataset, i.e, ABIDE and on a proprietary dataset of children under 4 years old, utilizes a 14-second functional magnetic resonance acquired while the subject is at rest (without sedation). It can diagnose ASD with 89% sensitivity and 88% specificity respectively.

The algorithm compiles the features that define a particular diagnostic profile into a report, enabling the physician to make personalized decisions regarding the treatment to be used for the diagnosed individual.

QuantaBrain’s distinctive aspect is its capability to diagnose psychiatric disorders, which unlike neurological ones, lack a known organic origin and, due to interindividual differences, identifying a unique biomarker for such disorders proves to be complex.

This drove Elisa Ferrari, CEO & Founder of QuantaBrain, to conduct studies and research leading to the development of a new Artificial Intelligence architecture specifically designed for the diagnosis of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. In fact, the idea behind the start-up stems from her doctoral thesis.

Once again, research conducted in laboratories, coupled with the ability to achieve tech transfer, not only generates significant business opportunities but also a positive impact for the community. This further confirms the foundation of Scientifica Venture Capital’s investment philosophy, which views science as a driver of economic competitiveness and social well-being.

“The innovation that QuantaBrain brings to the diagnostic process of psychiatric disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder, will allow families and patients to receive a safe, definitive and timely diagnosis. Those familiar with Scientifica Venture Capital know that our investments always emphasize the technological and scientific aspect of projects, while simultaneously considering the social benefit they can generate” stated Riccardo D’Alessandri, Managing Partner of Scientifica Venture Capital.

The legal firm L&B Partners Avvocati Associati assisted Scientifica Venture Capital, with a team of lawyers including Davide Pelloso, Valentina Bonomo, Elena Ronda and Davide Dotti Currao. QuantaBrain received legal support from Atty. Francesco Pezcoller.

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