
Smart (bio)sensors for sustainable life

Sense4Med is an innovative start-up that has the potential to revolutionize the diagnostic process for cystic fibrosis through an electrochemical sensor integrated into a point-of-care device.

In Italy, cystic fibrosis has a significant incidence, with approximately 200 new cases reported each year, prompting the screening of all newborns through a specific neonatal screening.

Currently, the diagnosis of the disease involves a complex two-phase process, with an initial test on a blood sample from newborns and a subsequent sweat test to measure chloride ions levels.

The latter test requires inducing sweating by using a small electric current.Sense4Med aims to simplify this diagnostic process through a lab-on-a-chip, promising non-invasive and rapid detection of the disease – within just two minutes – solely using the sweat test, with low costs for the healthcare system. Moreover, the technology is scalable, allowing the device to be used across the entire population regardless of age or physical condition

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