Plus Seeker

Plus Seeker

The solution
for start-up

Launching a start-up is an exciting adventure but also full of challenges. During the initial growth stages, many crucial decisions must be made to ensure the long-term success of the company.

In this context, having experienced managers by one’s side can make the difference between success and failure.

For this reason, Scientifica Venture Capital
has created Plus Seeker

Plus Seeker is the ideal choice for founders eager to accelerate the success of their start-up through collaboration with a team of specialized managerial figures.

These professionals, with a solid expertise and in-depth knowledge of best business practices, can provide targeted support and personalized strategies for any innovative enterprise.

Working with those who have already faced challenges similar to the ones you are encountering is a determining factor for the success of your enterprise.

Thanks to Plus Seeker you will have at your disposal a task force of specialists, providing invaluable support in key areas such as project management, fundraising, and business development.

They will be your trusted allies, ready to stand by you at every step of your entrepreneurial journey.

So why choose the Plus Seeker solution from Scientifica Venture Capital?

Because an efficient management process ensures the success of your project!

Plus Seeker adds value for both founders and investors by shortening the time needed for a start-up to receive feedback in terms of traction, creating a competitive advantage in the go-to-market phase.

The Plus Seeker Task Force 
will work closely
with you
Helping you confidently navigate the delicate stages of a start-up’s
life cycle and providing strategic and operational
support in activities such as:


Business Plan Assessment


Support for the implementation of the reporting process


Analysis of the reference market and competitive context


Assistance for Business Development activities


Establishment of the management control model

By relying on Plus Seeker, you will also gain privileged access to an extensive network of successful investors and mentors. This will allow you to establish valuable connections, open new business opportunities and access potential sources of funding.

With the support of:

The Plus Seeker program includes the support of the leading strategic consulting firm, EY

Are you interested in experiencing the benefits of Plus Seeker?
contact us